Show that in the new coordinate system, with the origin at the fixed point,
the new variable, z= x - x*, obeys a simpler equation
dz/dt = A z
with the same matrix A as original system; therefore analysing the type
of the fixed point of the original system, we can disregard the non-zero
Hint: This is a system with dimension 4, but do not panic . Write out the x- and y-components of the equation of motion, substitute trial solutions with time-dependence of the form (x,y) = eλt(u,v), where u,v do not vary in time.
First of all, there was a typo in the original text of this problem,
time derivative on vector r was missing in Coriolis force term.
Some of you noticed it, but rather late. If you noticed, your max points
for this problem was 15, if not then 14. The incorrect dynamical system
is somewhat interesting on its own, and can be analyzed with the
same approach as the correct one; it's instability is conditional, not
unconditional (as in the text of the problem and the solution below).
The reward for those who noticed the typo is a symbolic 1 pt (out of
55 points for the whole A2, so it's arguably fair).
d2x/dt2 = x + 2Ω dy/dt
d2y/dt2 = -y - 2Ω dx/dt.
Substitution of (x,y) = eλt(u,v) and simplification turns
this system into
-λ2u = u + 2Ωλ v
-λ2v = -v - 2Ωλ u.
Either writing this as matrix equation and requiring that det(matrix)
vanishes, or equivalently eliminating u from equations and canceling v on both
sides, we get a bi-quadratic characteristic equation for λ
(1+λ2)(1-λ2) =
λ2 = -2 Ω2
± (1+4Ω4)1/2.
The lower choice of sign eventually produces complex-conjugate, imaginary
λ's (oscillation). But for *any* rotation Ω ,
the upper sign choice above gives λ2 > 0, and thus
one real, positive solution for λ. Make sure you see that.
That eigenfrequency signifies an exponential instability, because
exp(λt) blows up in time.
for all real parameters a. Is it linearly stable? Is it nonlinearly stable? Is it time-reversible? Does it have an integral of motion like the system in the 2025 midterm?
The (0,0) fixed point is a linear center. The system is time-reversible (right-hand side odd in y in 1st eq., even in 2nd eq.). But does it make the fixed point a nonlinear center? Yes, since for any a, close to (0,0) trajectories are circles (closed curves, not spirals, which are not symmetric under reflection of 'velocities' y → -y).
The system also has an energy-like integral. Eliminating dt, we get
dx / [-y (1+ ax2)] = dy / [x (1+ ay2)], or
x dx + a x y2 dx = -y dy -a y x2 dy.
But x y2 dx + y x2 dy = d(x2y2/2),
E = x2 + y2 +a x2y2 = const.
on trajectories. Curves around (0,0) have E close to zero, and independent
of the value of a are closed. They are the more circular, the closer they
are to the center, because a x2y2 ≪ x2 +
y2 then. Thus the center is also nonlinearly stable, neither
attractive nor repelling.
By the way, try asking the Wolfram Alpha to "plot curve x^2 +y^2 +x^2y^2 = 3" and you will see that for a=1 and E=3 (or 1, or 2, or 100) the trajectories are definitely not circles (though still closed).