SYLLABUS for course PHYD38 (in-person), Spring 2025 Title: Intro to Nonlinear Physics and Chaos _____________________________________________________________________________ Lectures (L) on Mo. in HL B110 (Highland Hall) 10:00-12:00 (12*2 hr lect) Tutorials (T) on Mo. in AC 332, (Acad. Res. Ctr) 13:00-14:00 A1-A4 four sets of assignments, submit to Quercus > Assignments by 10am ............................................................................. 6 Jan L1 L2 13 Jan L3, T1 20 Jan L4, T2 27 Jan L5, T3, A1 3 Feb L6, T4 10 Feb L7, T5 midterm exam 13:00-14:00 17 Feb -- -- reading week 24 Feb L8, T6, A2 3 Mar L9, T7 10 Mar L10 T8, A3 17 Mar L11 T9 24 Mar L12 T10 drop date w/o acad. penalty 31 Mar -- -- A4 ------------------- (TBA) in Apr, final exam in person ____________________________________________________________________________ This syllabus will change slighty during the course, please download updates every week. Numbers in square brackets are chapters in Strogatz book 0. Introduction to the course structure, requirements, and main textbook: S. Strogatz "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos" 2nd ed. 2018 1. Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics and the Importance of being nonlinear [1] day 1 2. 1-D Flows Flows on a line [2] day 2 Bifurcations [3] Catastrophes [3] Flows on a circle [4] 3. 2-D Flows Linear systems [5] Physics of flight. Stability (cf. miniblog). Required material. Phase plane portraits [6] Limit cycles [7] Bifurcations again [8] 4. Chaos Lorenz Equations [9] 1-d maps [10] Fractals [11] The exponential fractal Strange attactors [12] 5. Nonlinear data analysis Machine Learning, Machine Intelligence Neural Networks NONLINEAR WORLD (Additional topics one or more of which may be presented, time allowing): Topics preliminarily selected for 2025 are denoted by * * More bifurcation diagrams of discrete mappings Stability and bifurcations in Engineering Euler beam buckling as bifurcation Nonlinear behavior of materials Nonlinearity, chaos and complexity in Physics and Astrophysics * The three body and N-body systems Orbits, Lagrange points, Lyapunov timescales in planetary and galactic systems Nonlinear continuum mechanics Incompressible and compressible fluids Vortices and turbulence in air and water * Turbulent jets: Chaos out of order and order in the chaos Dynamics of galacic and protoplanetary disks Linear and nonlinear stability and evolution Nonlinear waves, Fluid resonances, Particle resonances Nonlinear optics Quantum chaos Noise and corruption of signals in physical systems Noise: white, pink, black, non-power law Convolution, PSF. Deconvolution. Wiener & Kalman filters Chaotic stock market Modeling and forecasting of nonlinear time-dependent processes