Advice on linux on Windows ___________________________ Since I am sure several students have Windows laptops they are likely hesitant to do a full +install of Linux on I wanted to share this link to installing the windows builtin Linux VM +(much less work that finding some other VM setup and has nice integrations with VSCode) This will let those interested have the Linux experience (default Ubuntu distro but other +options are available) on windows if they desire, I believe WSL2 is the second interation also +described near that page and has some added functionality. The other thing is some friends have asked me about setting up their windows environment for +Fortran. I found this GUI installer (though there are others) for the mingw set of gcc and Fortran +compilers here: They likely need to add mingw/bin to their system environment path after installation to use it +(it claims it does this for you but didn't seem to). Just wanted to put these out there for anyone on a windows laptop, I dual boot with Linux at +home but still prefer to keep the laptops manufacturer OS so I thought some others might feel +the same. Regards, Daniel Harrington