You'll find below problems intended to give you an idea af the kind of quiz questions and problems that you will encounted at midterm exam on the 18 Oct Fri (11:05-12:05).
You can (and should, as it helps to remember things later) make facts sheets (maximum 4 pages) of hand-written notes. Calculator (any type) encouraged as technical aid. No other materials allowed.
................................................................................ Note: k-th power of x is denoted as x^k. If you think the statement is fully correct, or at least Yes seems much more correct than No as a judgment on the truth of the statement, then circle Y. If you answer is No then circle N and ALSO CIRCLE at least one word which is incorrect. If you do not indicate what is wrong, or circle word(s) which are correct, you get zero points for that question. If you want to leave extra explanation on why you selected Y or N, do it on the marging or just above the statement. Since an occasional ambiguity may happen in the formulation of the question, about 7% points will be given for free while marking the quiz. ................................................................................ [Y N] Motivation for many early computer builders was creation of astronomical tables (Wilhelm Schickard, Gottrfied Leibnitz, Charles Babbage). [Y N] In 1600s Blaise Pascal built machines that could add and subtract numbers, to aid in tax collection. No multiplication or division was implemented. [Y N] The first known use of binary system in mechanical calculators was the calculator known as 'steped reckoner' by Alan Turing from the beginning of 20th century. [Y N] Babbages unfinished, hand-cranked, Differential Engine contained 8000 parts and weighed 5 tons. [Y N] The pre-WWII versions of German coding machine ENIGMA were deciphered and reverse-engineered by Polish cryptologists Rejewski, Zygalski and Rozycki. [Y N] Since information about Colossus was classified until 1970, and other projects like those of K. Zuse were unknown, for a long time it was thought that the first computers were built by the US military (ENIAC in 1946) [Y N] ENIAC used binary numbers but its programs had no conditional branching [Y N] The basic principle of von Neumann architecture of our computers is that CPU, the central processign unit has access to operating memory storing both program and data, but which is physically separate from the memory. [Y N] High-level programming languages and compilers first appeared on mainframe computers in the late 1950s. Compiler is a programmer who operates the main console of the computer. [Y N] IBM computers in 1950s were mostly leased at high cost to wealthy businesses and universities. In late 1990s, Digital Equipment Corp (DEC) disrupted that model by selling a 100x cheaper minicomputer series PDP-8 to PDP-11. [Y N] C and later C++, were created mainly for scientific computations. [Y N] 8086 was the name of a popular Intel 16-bit processor. Subsequnt generations of Intel processors with similar instruction set have a name retaining part of that name. For instance, x86_64 means all modern 64-bit processors compatible with Intel's instruction set. [Y N] In Linux, ls -l | more is a command that pipes the output of directory listing command (long format) to 'more' command which shows the output page by page or using other size of block of text. [Y N] In Linux, 'cp files* path1' command will copy all files whose names start with string 'files' to subdirectory of the working dir. named path1. [Y N] In order to suspend the execution of a foreground program and put it in a background execution mode in Linux, one needs to press CTLR-Z to get the prompt, then type 'bg' +RETURN. [Y N] Root or superuser in Linux is the user with full priviledges. Other users cannot issue certain dangerous commands, and access files restricted for use by the root. [Y N] ASCII is a table specifying how characters (including Latin alphabet and some text formatting symbols) are mapped to unsigned 1-Byte integer values [Y N] ifort -openmp provides access to OpenMP by a fortran program [Y N] OpenMP defines 3 things: compiler options, name of its library and OMP compiler pragmas (directives) [Y N] Timing of the sections of code in multithreaded applications written in C or Fortran should be done using double precision function omp_get_wtime() [Y N] A loop: for(i=0; i < N; i++) {} must be preceded by OMP pragma #pragma omp parallel for private(i,...), otherwise the loop counter i will be a single variable common to all program threads, which will lead to race condition and overwriting of correct values of i. [Y N] OMP allows the programmer to specify a different number of threads to be spawned by each fork-join parallel block section, for instance one such section may use 8 threads and another 16 threads. [Y N] After 2003 or 2004, internal clocks processors stopped having gradually higher frequencies; stagnation happened at 1-4 GHz frequency, depending on the processor type. [Y N] CPU powere usage per unit area of IC chip equals P = N f C V, where N is the number of cores on the chip, f their clock frequency, C is capacitance of one transistor, and V its working voltage. [Y N] Multithreading via OpenMP creates fork-join parallel region encompassing a loop construct [Y N] In multiple, nested loops, OpenMP mutithreading should be applied to the innermost loop [Y N] The most powerful supercomputers today have arithmetic speed capability of order 1000 PetaFLOPS = 1 ExaFLOPS. [Y N] Up to several years ago, every ~2 years, the size of all electronic components etched onto a silicon wafer was decreased by a factor sqrt(2). [Y N] We do not need to learn methods of parallel programming if we use efficient languages like C, Julia or Fortran. [Y N] In 1999, 1 out of 500 supercomputers was in China. In 2019, 220 (44%) of the top 500 supercomputers in the world were in China. [Y N] The top supercomputers use 10 to 40 MW of power, and cost ~300 million dollars. Just like one big airliner. [Y N] If 1 million particles interact with each other pairwise, and calculation of one interaction takes 100 ns (nanoseconds), then a well-written sequential program will take almost 1.5 hours to evaluate all interactions. [Y N] Random walk of 10000 steps of length 1 will on average end at location 100 units away from the starting point. [Y N] Compiler lists all the errors a program generates during the compilation, while the interpreter (such as Python) lists them only after encountering errors during execution of the script. We thus know all that can go wrong with a compiled program before we run it. [Y N] Arrays in C are zero-based (start with index 0), while in Fortran they are 1-based. [Y N] In fortran, loop 0,4,8,...,512 starts like: do i = 0,512,4 [Y N] k=1; if(k<=2) k=2*k+1; This line compiles correctly in C, C++, or F95 code [Y N] Scanning RAM allocated to a 3-dimensional array in C/C++ from start to end, the first index of the array changes fastest and the last index most slowly. [Y N] Buildings on campus are connected with 1 Gbit/s ethernet network (one-directional throughput of data is in practice, let's say, 0.8 Gbit/s). To transfer a database of 800 million double precision C or Fortran floating point numbers between the buildings, one needs almost 11 minutes. [Y N] I have read all Lecture notes and all the pages linked to our course page.
Algorithms should be implemented in C (or C++) or Fortran95.
We are looking for correct algorithms and will overlook what we
judge as simple syntax errors. For example, if you forget the precise
syntax of calling the Fortran subroutime:
call random_number(tab)
and write some other similar name or mistake it for a function and write
tab = random_number(), but explain satisfactorily in comments
what the function or routine does , your markes will not be reduced.
[REMEMBER to thoroughly comment your code!!! Short, single-line comments
should appear in the program. Number and place long explanations
outside the program, only putting reference to them in a comment line.
Lack of thorough comments will lead to reduced mark.]
Glaring lack of knowledge of basic language constructs such as loops, arrays, conditional and arithmetic statements, writing code in Python, or only outlining the program structure in some metalanguage, will result in reduction of mark down to about 70% of maximum, but not to zero (it is much better to write a Python code, or an awful/buggy Fortran code, than nothing).
_____________________________________________________________________ Problem 1. Write a main program that declares a 4-Byte float (or real) two-dimensional array Tab holding 6 floats representing x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, for N particles, where N is a constant equal one million. Fill the array with values randomly (uniformly) distributed in the the range 0. < val < 1., for every variable var = x,y,... Particles attract each other pairwise with force F_ij_x = -(dx) * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)**(-3./2.) F_ij_y = -(dy) * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)**(-3./2.) F_ij_z = -(dz) * (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)**(-3./2.) where position of particle i with respect to particle j is a vector (dx,dy,dz), and F_ij vector acts on particle i. All particles have mass equal m = 1 in code units. Time step is equal dt = 0.001 in code units. Show that the above equations represent a Newtonian or Coulomb -1/r^2 force law. Write a function step() containing a code that performs one time step of the simulation of the evolution of the system of N particles. The algorithm can be Euler (1st order) or leapfrog (2nd order accuracy in time) but in each case, meaning of variables and the step-by-step scheme of the algorithm, should be explained. Insert OpenMP pragma/directive to parallelize the execution with K threads, where K is integer constant defined at the beginning of the program. Problem 2. Given a double precision type function fun(x), satisfying fun(a)*fun(b) <= 0. for [a,b] = [0.,1.], implement in C or Fortran the Newton-Raphson search for the root of fun() in interval [a,b]. In other words, find x such that fun(x)=0. Print information about every iteration of the method, including an estimate of the current value of fun(x) and the estimated error of x (assuming fun(x) is linear near the zero). Final accuracy of root position should be better than 3e-5 * |a-b|. If it can't be achieved, appropriate statement after 30 iterations should be printed and the program should finish. Problem 3. N = 120 small model cars whose size can be neglected in this problem are initially distributed uniformly on a frictionless, straight, air track extending from x=0.0 to x=L=12 m. Initial position of particle k is x_k = k * L/N, k = 1,...,N. Initial speed is +-10 cm/s, left or right direction being chosen at random. Upon encountering a neighbor, cars bounce off elastically (without dissipation of energy, therefore preserving speed). Cars fall off the ends of track. Simulate the motion of cars until the last one falls off the track. Optimize the speed of the program using OpenMP with 12 threads. Print final time. Note: There is a simple analytical solution. Hint: Random number generation in Fortran. You can fill the whole array x or a single value x with random number(s) between 0. and 1. like so: call random_number(x); v = 20.*(x-0.5). Array v will hold random values +-10. Hint: Random number generation in C/C++. There is a standard library function (so you must #includein the header of your code) called 'rand()'. It returns one integer from 0 to a large number much exceeding the number of objects you simulate. In C/C++, you randomize the array of initial velocities by creating N remainders of division by 2 in a loop. Expression 10 * (2 *(rand()%2) -1) has a value +-10 with equal probability. Problem 4. Write an N-body code using leapfrog method & direct summation of all forces. The force formula is -1.0/distance_ij**2, i.e. attractive 1/r-square force but the constant in numerator is just 1. Equal masses of particles assumed. Staring points are a cloud of random points in 3-D, within radius 1.0, all particle are at rest. Random number generator Random() is available, it return a double prec. number from 0. to 1. N = 1e5. You are supposed to parallelize calculation by OpenMP directives to perform on a multi-core CPU. Don't worry about the output or checks of accuracy. Just the Newtonian dynamics equations and their integration for the first 1000 steps with timestep dt = 0.0001. It's best if you use exact C or Fortran syntax, but you can also write metacode which is not so strict, just so we know exactly what is being done. Include comments to clarify everything!