PHYD57 course 2024 PRELIMINARY points (percentages). '-' means missing. Please report any discrepancies. ....................................... Max % of the course for the tasks Problem sets #1-3 (A1-A3) 3*8% = 24% *) Project A4 24% Midterm Quiz 9% Midterm Problems 9% Final exam 34% *) Final score for the course 100% *) - If transferring 8% from the worst of assignments A1-A3 to the final exam (4% to quiz, 4% to written) made your course grade higher, then you got a better grade. If not, points were not transferred. ........................................................................ stud# A1 A2 mid-P mid-Q A3 A4 fin-Q fin-P course max pts: 78 73 28 26 93 100 37 107 100 ________________________________________________________________________ ..058 57 18 15 15 56 69 25 39 55 ..956 73 75 20 22 93 97 28 46 80 ..355 67 40 20 25 95 97 31 68 81 ..324 71 0 15 21 35 69 25 31 53 ..910 62 0 15 12 67 78 22 83 70 ..383 69 59 20 17 95 97 27 98 87 ..357 56 14 19 17 76 78 30 81 76 ..093 0 37 23 24 25 69 35 46 64 ..189 72 63 22 25 59 78 30 58 75 ..303 69 0 20 17 73 78 27 123 87 ..224 75 75 17 22 90 97 35 125 98 _________________________________________________________________________ Grading: minimum percentage marks for letter grades (for orientation only, since grades are reported as percentages) A+ 90%, A 85%, A- 80%, B+ 77%, B 73%, B- 70%, C+ 67%, C 63%, C- 60%, D+ 57%, D 53%, D- 50%, F 49% or less. _________________________________________________________________________ students ..769, ..742, ..197 were inactive (0 points) Course average = 75