Work  in progress:

Comparison of two different hydrocodes using Riemann solvers: PPM vs. CLAWPACK

Pawel Artymowicz

I have done some comparisons of the codes VH-1 (PPM in  Lagrange + remap back to Euler grid formulation) and CLAW from CLAWPACK/AMRCLAW  (unsplit 2nd order algorithm for wave propagation which, unlike the ppm, does not make x- and then y-direction sweeps, i.e. it does't use dimensional splitting.)

The test problem is a 2-d shock tube problem: two layers of  high pressure gas along the two walls of a square container, and the highest pressure in the intersecting quadrant. The precise values of initial velocity are taken from CLAW applicactions page.  The standard test problem is solved for t=0 to 0.8 on a square uniform grid 200x200.  This is a good test of how the codes handle the shocks and the slower shearing post-shock flow,  unstable toKelvin-Helmholz  (K-H) instability.

This test is described in various places, originally by  C.W. Schultz-Rinne (1993, SIAM J Sci Comput. 14, 1394-1414),
(many thanks to Tomek Plewa for this link; and here is a place where its done with  CLAW: - download and read note number 15.)

    Results of various runs  at time t=0.8 will be shown, with panels denoted as

a b c
d e f

First, the CLAWPACK.
 panel   Courant #  cpu  time   flux limiters   comments
 a C= 0.15   2180 s
S S S S S=superbee flux limiter for all 4 variables (rho, vx,vy, energy; in that order)
 b  0.4   824 s S S S S  strangely, the central parts of the flow do not "interpolate" between panels a & c, although the timestep does. 
 c  0.9  357 s S S S S  
 d  0.9  357 s S S S M
 e  0.9  346 s S M M M 
 f  0.9  343 s M M M M M=monotonic centered flux limiter


These results show that

  panel  Courant #  [starting value]  cpu time /#steps  dim. splitting  comments
 a  C=0.15  [0.03]   793 s /1548  xyyx  K-H instab. delayed for small dt
 b  0.3   [0.05]   400 s /794  xyyx
 c   0.6  [0.05]   215 s  xyyx  0.6 is the usual Courant # for PPM, and...
 d  0.6  [0.6]   198 s  xyyx corresponds to C~0.9 in CLAW (same dt)
 e  0.9 [0.9]   148 s /290  xyyx  What happens if C=0.9 is attemped: 
big wiggle because of dim. splitting!
 f  0.9 [0.9]   149 s   yxxy (reversed)  --> mirror reflection of e.



This is C=0.5 (starting from 0.5), t=0.8, VH-1, at 400x400 resolution.

20 Dec.  2000

These models run on a parallel cluster Hydra   which is 
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