! example of dislin graphics, compiles with ifort (full options below not ! necessary..) ! compile and run on art-2 in your subdir. ! ifort -qopenmp -O3 -no-prec-div -fp-model fast=2 -xHost -L$DISLIN10 -ldislin10 -I$DISLIN10/ifc -L/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015.3.187/compiler/lib/intel64 -lirc !*.f90 -o !*.x program ex11_1 use DISLIN implicit none integer, parameter :: N = 200 real, dimension (N,N) :: map real :: FPI, dx, X, Y integer :: i, j FPI=3.1415926535/180. dx= 360./(N-1.) do i=1,N X=(i-1.)*dx do j=1,N Y=(j-1.)*dx map(i,j)=2*sin(X*FPI)*sin(Y*FPI) end do end do call SCRMOD('REVERS') call METAFL('CONS') call DISINI() call PAGERA() call HWFONT() call TITLIN('3-D Colour Plot of the Function',2) call TITLIN('F(X,Y) = 2 * SIN(X) * SIN(Y)',4) call name('X-axis','X') call name('Y-axis','Y') call name('Z-axis','Z') call INTAX() call AUTRES(N,N) call AXSPOS(300,1850) call AX3LEN(2200,1400,1400) call GRAF3(0.,360.,0.,90.,0.,360.,0.,90.,-2.,2.,-2.,1.) call CRVMAT(map,N,N,1,1) call HEIGHT(50) call TITLE() call MPAEPL(3) call DISFIN() STOP end program ex11_1