import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.interactive(True) ''' Main program Compute the diffracion pattern from sigle slit X = 15e-6 - half-width of the slit S = 120e-6 - half of the spacing between slits lambda = 0.6e-6 m - red light wavelength z = 1 m - distance to screen y - coordinte on the screen Range of y: approx. -6 to +6 cm, Compute only for y>0, use symmetry. Also, try to use vector operations on arrays, and np.sum() summation, this will greatly speed up the integration Formula for intensity I(y) on the screen: I(y) = |f(y)|^2, where f(y) is a complex-valued sum f(y) = (z^2+y^2)^{-1/2} integral_{-X}^{+X} exp[i*k*delta(x)] dx, delta = sqrt(z^2+(y-x-s)^2) - z s = -S or S (left or right slit) k = 2 pi / lambda i = 1j in Python = imaginary unit Use 1001 points both on the screen and across the slit ''' plt.figure(dpi=140) X, Y, S, lamb, z = 15e-6, 0.06, 120e-6, 0.6e-6, 1. k = 2*np.pi/lamb # wave number ik = 1j * k z2 = z*z N = 1001 x = np.linspace(-X,X,N); dx = x[1]-x[0] y = np.linspace(-Y,Y,N) I = y*0 # initialize intensity array I(y) # fill I(y) array for l in range(N//2): yy = y[N//2+l] deltas_L = (np.sqrt(z2+(yy-x+S)**2) - z) # N floats deltas_R = (np.sqrt(z2+(yy-x-S)**2) - z) # N floats integral = np.sum(np.exp(ik*deltas_L)+np.exp(ik*deltas_R))*dx f = integral/(z2+yy**2)**0.5 intens = abs(f)**2 I[N//2+l] = intens I[N//2-l] = intens I = I/I.max() # output plt.plot(100*y,I) plt.plot(100*y,y*0,linewidth=0.2,color=(.7,.7,.7)) plt.title(' Intereference+diffraction, 2 slits 30 $\mu$m wide, 0.24 mm apart') plt.xlabel('y [cm]') plt.ylabel('Intensity') plt.grid() input('next plot? ') # find parameters C and Ap by Least Squares plt.scatter(vdata,F_fit/9.81e3,s=9,color=(1,0,0)) plt.title('2-param. model of drag vs. speed of jet airliner') # calculate best speed # dF/dv = -2C/v**3 + Ap rho v == 0 ==> v_fuel = v_glideslope # d(F*v)/dv = -C/v**2 + 1.5*Ap*rho*v**2 == 0 ==> v_power = v_T_glide # d(F/v)/dv = -3C/v**4 +Ap rho/2 ==0 ==> v{min_fuel*time} v_glidesl = v_fuel =(2*C/Ap)**(1/4) # in [m/s] v_T_glide = v_power = (C/Ap)**(1/4) v_T_fuel = (6*C/Ap)**(1/4)