import numpy as np import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plt.interactive(True) ''' Number of sunny hours in Oxford, UK n = number of years, m = number of months each year = 12 ''' # read the array hrs = np.loadtxt("oxford.dat") # default is space-separated values n = len(hrs) # len() only shows # of rows, size() would show # items m = 12 # number of columns of data (monthly values) print(n,'years of data will be analyzed') yax = 'number of sunny hours in Oxford' xax = 'month' plt.figure(figsize=[8.5,6]) plt.ylabel(yax) plt.xlabel(xax) plt.title('colors progress from green to red with the number of year') yr = np.linspace(1,n,n).astype(int) # array of year numbers, 1..81 mo = np.linspace(1,m,m).astype(int) # array of month numbers, 1..12 # long-tem average data ratios = 0*hrs aver = hrs.sum(axis=0)/n # table of 12 long-term averages ratios = 0*hrs # create ratios, hlp normalized to 81-year averages yearly = hrs.sum(axis=1)/12 # table of 81 yearly averages # print(n,'yearly averages:', yearly) for month in range(12): ratios[:,month] = hrs[:,month]/aver[month] # loop over years while plotting for y in yr: c = (y+1)/(n+1) rgb = (c*c, 1-c, 2*c*(1-c)) # color according to year xs = mo+(y-40)/300 plt.scatter(xs,hrs[y-1,:],s=16,color=rgb,linewidth=1) plt.plot(mo,aver) # second, renormalized plot txt = 'values normalized to monthly averages' plt.figure(figsize=[8.5,6]) plt.ylabel(yax) plt.xlabel(xax) plt.title('# clear days normalized to averages') plt.plot(mo,aver*0+1) # plot average line ==1 for y in yr: c = (y+1)/(n+1) rgb = (c*c, 1-c, 2*c*(1-c)) # color according to year xs = mo+(y-40)/300 # position according to month but also year plt.scatter(xs,ratios[y-1,:],s=16,color=rgb,linewidth=1) txt = "values" plt.figure(figsize=[8.5,6]) plt.ylabel('yearly averages') plt.xlabel('year') plt.title(' yearly averages with error bars') #plt.plot(yr,yearly) plt.scatter(yr,yearly,s=9,color=(0,0,1),linewidth=1) # compute error bars (sigma of the yearly mean) diff2 = np.zeros(n) print(' shapes', yearly.shape, diff2.shape, ' yr[-1] = ',yr[-1]) for i in range(12): diff2 += (hrs[:,i]-yearly)**2 sigma_mean = (diff2/11/12)**0.5 plt.errorbar(yr,yearly,yerr=sigma_mean,ecolor=(1,.4,.7),barsabove=True)