Python code section of PSCB57 Course at UTSC


You may use and modify the codes below. As a minimum, analyze them line by line and run them! Knowledge of simple structures and methods used in these codes is a REQUIREMENT to get a passing mark in PSCB57. Some codes separate partial results by asking for input (any keyboard input) before continuing. Other codes call plt.display() and that get stuck, until you close the plot window - then they continue or end.

Codes for lecture 2
Program iteratively solves a 4th order polynomial equation.
Program iteratively solves a 4th order polynomial equation.Another versio
Program iteratively solves a 4th order polynomial equation.Another version
Program iteratively solves a 4th order polynomial equation. Yet another version

Codes for lecture 3
Program computes the number of people that statistically have a chance > 0.5 to include at least a pair whose birthdate falls on the same day of a 365-day calendar.
Frankly I'm confused, maybe this version was better than the previous one, I just found it.
Program computes the minimum number of unresolved objects in an astronomical picture having N pixels, which produces a good probability (>0.5 like in the previous example, which practically the same algorithm!) of two or more objects falling into one and same pixel. We call this issue observational confusion of sources. In extreme case it is known as image saturation. It may lead to wrong object count, they may appear brighter and less numerous than in reality. That's why it is sometimes important not to try to record too many objects, > ~1.2 sqrt(N_pixels), on a CCD matrix, if we want them to be distinguishable. Notice that the confusion limit corresponds to a square image that has about one object per line or column! With more object, some amount of observational confusion is likely, and when there are comparable numbers of objects and
Program shows a simple loop producing N values (floats), uniformly spread between given values v0=0.1 and v2=2.0. Next versions add time measurements to the code, and other method to allocate and fill a million-element array.
With timing (but not impressive, Python loops are relatively slow).
Second method allocates and/or zeroes NumPy array very fast, but the Python loop to fill it with meaningful contents still slows down the execution. All 3 methods compared. The 3rd method, allocating and filling 1D array with uniformly spaced floats from a given one to a another known number works OK; np.linspace(N) program is much faster than the ones containing Py loops. Actually several dozen times faster.

Å› Problem of a physical pendulum perturbed from the upper equilibrium. After passing the lower equilibrium by angle θ, the mass at the end of massless beam is released and flies without friction along a parabola. What is the maximum range of the mass (in units of the radius of pendulum), i.e. how far from pendulum axis will it land, assuming that this landing occurs at the level of the lowest pendulum position?

Ans.: Somewhere between 4 and 5 R. This can be obtained from several trial-and-error attempts with this interactive version of the code. It'll repeatedly ask you for your guess of the angle of release of pendulum mass, θ. If you enter a negative value, program exits.
Remark: The formula for range = x(θ) can be derived from high-school trigonometry and energy conservation principle, however, it's so complicated that there is no way to solve the problem by calculus or some other way, eventually one needs to solve a complicated equation numerically. The same problem of a physical pendulum that breaks, but now a looped search. The range is plotted in this version as a function of angle θ, even though the algorithm in all code versions performs steps over a mesh of cos(θ) values, not θ itself. Maximum range of the flight happens for θ - 42.9 degrees (follow the code on how one converts radians to degrees), and the range reaches then 4.403 R at the maximum. shows Taylor (Maclaurin) series of exponential function exp(x): Single maximum is found of the range, in the considered interval of cos(θ).

Partial summation of infinite series over 1,2,3,...,k terms has the form:
exp(x) = ex = 1 + x/1! + x2/2! + x3/3! + + ... + xk/k! + ...

Factorial function k! is defined as k! = 1*2*3....*(n-1)*n As you see, we do not need to start this multiplication from scratch doing repeated loops over k=1,2,3,.. . Rather, since n! = n (n-1)!, we simply start from the first (lowest) value of (n-1)! and repeatedly update the factorial variable in every loop passage. See the code.

We keep the always improving partial sum of the series terms (functions) and call it y. We plot y vs. x for every k. We stop at k~20,

The figure constructed with MatPlotlib shows that the larger the absolute value of the argument x, the more terms are needed for a good approximation of the function exp(x), both for positive and negative x.
Remark: use the zoom button on the plotting widget that your Python installation provides. This way you can disentangle particularly dense parts of the figure! does the same as above with the trigonometric function cos(x). Taylor (MaclLaurin) series of it is given by
cos(x) = 1 - x2*1/(2*1)! + x2*2/(2*2)! + x2*3/(2*3)! + + ... + x2k/(2k)! + ...

The figure constructed with MatPlotLib shows that the larger the absolute value of the argument x, the more terms are needed for a good approximation of the function exp(x), both for positive and negative x.
Remark: use the zoom button on the plotting widget that your Python installation provides. This way you can disentangle particularly dense parts of the figure! In 2018, a new planet was found on elliptic orbit (eccentricity e=0.39) around star called K2-261. Comparing to our planets, it is closest to Saturn in its parameters (size, mass), however its orbit is not larger than 0.204 AU (astronomical units = mean distances of Earth and Sun) head to toe, and it is fairly flattened into ellipsis. The task is to show the positions of the exoplanet at 100 equally spaced moments of time, during one full period of revolution around the star (one exoplanetary year). Comments in the header section should be useful for those who are interested in how, technically, we need to first solve the so-called Kepler's equation
E - e sin(E) = M = const*t
[we look for E, assuming known M and e].
E is the so-called eccentric anomaly angle, E = E(M) = E(M(t)). We use iteration. [There is no simple analytical solution of this nonlinear equation, and 100+ methods to solve it have been proposed in the 4 centuries of the equation's history. Why? Because it had to be solved by people and people do not, as a rule, have high computational speed. So increasingly more clever methods have been tried. We are not concerned with the question of speed of the algorithm, Python allows us to be less sophisticated then we honestly should be. Next, we have analytical expressions telling us how to turn that E into θ(t)s, and then also $r(t)$ (star-planet distance). The final computation is the conversion of polar coordinates into the Cartesian ones. Please see the code and compare with output on yours screen.

Remarks: Equal time intervals allow us to easily 'see' that the speed of the planet is changing all the time, and is maximum near pericenter of the orbit (closest pt.) and slowest near apocenter (farthest pt.). Where the flux is lowest, the speed is slowest, and time longest, which compensates to a large extent the effect of eccentricity on average heating. Why don't you modify the code to make a plot of the changing flux of radiation energy falling on the planet in different regions of time and theta? Maybe you'll be able to come up with some quantitative conclusions about the popular climate change issue, this time on an alien planet.

Codes for lecture 4 shows how to read and write to/from ASCII files, comma or space-separated values. shows how to compute (in 3 different ways) simple statistics, like the average values and two kinds of sigmas (st. dev. of the data, std dev of the mean), for data read from files.
We have seen this planetary system before (in L3) but now we take a deeper look into convergence of Kepler Equation iteration, as well as totally surprising accuracy with which the program integrates a definite integral using equidistant grid of only 180 points.
Planetary system around a small M5 dwarf star not far from Earth (10 pc) was discovered and announced a few days before Lecture 4. Media say it's a big discovery challenging the existing planet formation theories. I say not really. It is on eccentric orbit, and the program produces not only the visualization of planet's uneven, eccentric motion but also the correction to mean flux received on the planet because of e=0.4356. It even computes the temperature of the planet. Simple intro to complex arithmetics of exponentiation in C plane. Plotting and zooming - iteration of ...i^i^i^i Many plots, different starting complex numbers z. Mandelbrot fractal calculator from Geeks4Geeks site Exponential (Artymowicz) fractal calculator Exponential (Artymowicz) fractal calculator, diffrent color map & region Exponential (Artymowicz) fractal calculator variant Exponential (Artymowicz) fractal calculator, another similar, variant

Codes Solving Assignment Set#1

The text of assignment.

1. Leibniz series needs an accelerated convergence scheme, since it would run for many many thousands of years in a Python loop, to reach near-machine accuracy (based on truncation error alone, and neglecting an issue of accumulating round-off error in such long calculations. Taking round-off into account, there is no length of Leibniz series that produces near-machine accuracy at all!). See this code for how to speed up convergence by repeated averaging. is a modified code, with nicer descriptions of the log-log figure. Notice how the results shown in the last plot, for some methods reach a predicted boundary of the round-off error (shown by green line with slope +1/2 on log-log plot), and for larger length N of the walk just bounce around becoming bigger in a random-walk fashion. In the lecture we derived on blackboard the sqrt(N) growth of the expected distance reached in N steps of a 1-D random walk. The round-off errors are not biased, they produce a random plus or minus error with the same frequency. This causes the random walk analogy and the +1/2 slope here.

2. A life guard should run to point X on the waterfront, to save a swimmer. But what's the value of X? See this code.

3. Pool table aiming exercise using iteration.

A simple analytical solution is to use mirror reflections of the table, or to imagine what would happen if we make its right boundary totally transparent to balls, so it does not influence their motion. This yields X = 5.5 ft as an exact result. Here's the proof.
Draw a continuation of the second leg of direct-hit trajectory down to line y=1 (1 ft from lower boundary). It crosses that line 2 ft to the right of the right boundary (since the black ball is 2 ft to the left of it and reflection is symmetric, i.e. preserves angles). The horizontal, or x-distance, equal X-1, from the initial position of white ball at x=1 (ft) to the unknown X-point on upper border is equal to the horizontal distance from X to the point located at +2ft to the right of the right boundary, which is 8+2-X. That's because the bounce at X is also symmetric & preserves the angles. From equality X-1 = 8+2-X we obtain: X = 11/2 = 5.5 (ft), q.e.d.
With some luck (that I had) you'll specify round numbers as boundaries of search domain (I chose 4 ft < X < 8 ft), and a round number of points (I chose a power of ten), the search will stumble upon this exact result, producing a direct hit on the black ball with exactly zero error.

Codes for lecture 5 Basic knowledge of how to generate random numbers in NumPy arrays Generate a bunch of random numbers and show their histogram. Compares uniform and normal distributions. Calculation of Pi by Monte Carlo. A classic of MtCarlo demonstrations. Simple version. Calculation of Pi by Monte Carlo. This version compares the Monte Carlo accuracy with a regular integration on a uniform mesh of N points, the same number as MtC particles (so, similar computational effort). We begin to see the problem with MtC: 1/sqrt(N) signifies the slow convergence to zero value of error. Calculation of Pi by Monte Carlo. This version compares the Monte Carlo with 3 different regular integrations on uniform mesh of N points. Some methods come with no explanation (don't pay attention, we will talk about them later in the course). Can't speed up the first Riemann integration much, fortunately it was already very accurate for our purposes. Calculation of decay histories of radioactive isotope U-235 by Monte Carlo simulations. Compares different realizations of the experiment in one plot.

Codes for lecture 6 Dusty box, or rather a dusty duct, is simulated to see how we can solve a basic radiation transfer problem by randomly placing absorbers in the field of view. It turns out, we can reproduce very exactly the analytical result I = I0 exp(-τ).
On the left is a layer of clouds with τ>>1, which we analysed in Lecture 5. Bay of San Fancisco, 21 July 2019. And to the right, the optically thinner cloud (τ ~ 3.6?) not of water droplets but smoke and ash particles from forest/grass fires near Meteor Crater, AZ, 19 July 2019. Multiple 1D (i.e., 1-dimensional) random walks on one plot. This simulates diffusion in physics, paths of photons in the sun, or some extremely large Galton board, flight of an arrow through a turbulent air, how perfume spreads in still air, how heat speards through solids, and/or a number of other things. No restrictions on the range of random walk in this version. provides a modified version of 1D RND Walk, with absorbing boundary at X=0 (a.k.a. Gambler's Ruin Problem). Calculation of return probability to starting point in 1-D random walk of different durations. One can see that a 1-D random walk will be recurrent!

Codes Solving Assignment Set#2

The text of assignment.

1. Egyptian taxes problem is solved in

2. Student loan problem is solved in

3. Minimum finding by imposing a fine grid onto a 2-D square is explored in

4. Problem of random time difference in unit time interval (that is in 1 second time frame) is not explicitly solved, but it was discussed during lecture. Analytical reasult corresponds to throwing lots of points uniformly distribited onto a unit square in (t1,t2) plane. It is easy to see that theere is a band corresponding to |t1=t2|<0.5 of total area = 3/4, which is the unknown probability.

Codes for lecture 7 Midterm solutions have short Python scripts inside. Input and basic comparison of stock price histories over the last 35 years of Apple Inc, Intel Corp. and the Nasdaq stock market average IXIC. Data files are given below: Data on Apple in CSV format. Data on Intel in CSV format. Data on Nasdaq average in CSV format. Nasdaq composite index, historic data in ASCII one-column format. INTC historic data in ASCII one-column format. AAPL historic data in ASCII one-column format. Thorough error analysis, both roundoff and truncation error, analytical and numerical, of two stencils for first order derivative. Demonstrates the advantages of high order stencils. Bisection method of root search of a 1-D real function. Illustrates the generally robust performance and the possibility of missing some zeros. Secant method of zero finding of a 1-D real function. There was a bug in the program, now converges as fast as it should, and in fact impressively fast, 'superlinearly', almost like Newton's scheme, in less than 8 steps as a rule. Newton's method of zero finding of a 1-D real function. Illustrates the relatively fast convergence in the case of 3rd order polynomial function. When it works, it works really great. When it fails, it fails like no other algorithm. Can you say when? Comparison of all three methods of finding zero efficiently, one of them (Newton's) is run in two variants: with numerical and analytical derivative calculation. One can see the huge advantage of those methods which converge quadratically or at least faster than linearl, meaning that the next error is asymtotically proportional the a power of the previous error larger than 1., sometimes 2.
and a variant
Archival data from Oxford, UK, weather analysis 1929-2010.
Monthly data on # of sunny hours per month, which is used in this exercise, is in this file: Image processing program. Uses heat/diffusion stencils to thoroughly smear out an image, then subtract it as beckground from the original image. The method enhances the image details, removing some overexposure, and any overall gradient or large scale, smooth pattern. The method is called unsharp masking.

The code is a bit messy at the end - there are some commented out and some orphan code lines, as I initially tried to work with Pillow (PIL) graphics module but in the end installed on my laptop and used the SciKit Image package (installed via %pip3 install scikit-image).

Codes for lecture 8

Integration codes: compares the convergence of several simple 1st to 4th order integration schemes of the function exp(-x) between x=0 and x=1. compares the convergence of several simple 1st to 4th order integration schemes of the function 1/(1+x*x) between x=0 and x=1. Name derives from Arctan(x) which is an analytical integral value. BTW, all of the integration codes have known exact answers, mostly involving number π . These codes therefore calculate that number numerically. compares the convergence of several simple 1st to 4th order integration schemes of the function exp(-x) between x=0 and x=1. compares the convergence of several simple 1st to 4th order integration schemes on the problem of the length of the curtain as a line integral using Pythagoras theorem, or an integral of (1+(y')**2)**0.5 where y is the curtain's shape and y'=dy/dx. This turns out an easy problem for numerical integration schemes! compares the convergence of several simple 1st to 4th order integration schemes of the function sqrt(1-x*x) (1/4 of a circle between x=0 and x=1). This function poses a lot of problems for numerical integration schemes, because of its unbound derivatives as x-->1. compares the convergence of several simple 1st to 4th order integration schemes of the length of curve qrt(1-x*x) (1/4 of a circle between x=0 and x=1). This integration also poses a lot of problems for most numerical integration schemes, because of its unbound derivatives as x-->1. solves the linear least-squares fit problem. The function has 3 parameters (amplitudes) multiplying a parabola. Data have a moderate amount of noise added. Program restores the parabola, hence denoising the data.

Codes for lecture 9 solves the linear least-squares fit problem. The function has 4 parameters (amplitudes) multiplying a parabola plus a cosine function of known period. Data includes noise. Program successfully restores the hidden truth (line), hence denoising the data. solves the linear least-squares fit problem. The function has 4 parameters (amplitudes) multiplying a parabola plus a cosine function of known period. Data has a large amount of noise added, making it visually difficult to separate smooth functional dependence from quasi-Gaussian noise. Despite this, program fairly successfully restores the smooth underlying function/denoises the data, although the quality of parameter restoration starts to suffer (esp. curvature a[0] is too low). solves the linear least-squares fit problem of dark matter in a synthetic galaxy. The subject is discussed in

Read the descriptions inside the code. It has several functions for computing 4 separate contributions to the V(R) - the rotation curve of a galaxy, for a summed up rotation curve, and for plotting the map of errors in the plane of two parameters which are characteristic scales of the disk and dark matter halo. The 4 components are: supermassive black hole in the center, stellar bulge, stellar and gaseous disk, and the dark matter halo. The total number of parameters found by the program is 6.
Plots produced by this 220-line code (with comments of course) show the obtained values of characteristic masses of components, and the two length scales.

Codes Solving Assignment Set#3

The text of assignment.

(click to enlarge)
The solution to the analytical (grey and blue-green/emerald curves) and numerical part of the problem is shown in the figure. A brief look at the code will show that it is simple, most of it is plotting instructions for PyPlot (plt).

2. Titius-Bode law.
The gentelman on the right (J Bode) published Titius's rule in his popular book on astronomy. He did not invent it, but in those times plagiarism or not giving credit was not unheard of, and wasn't considered a crime. The above code does a little more than the problem asked for:
it presents the convergence study using several zero-finding schemes (Newton-Raphson's gradient method is extremely quick, probably because of a lucky first guess), (enlarge) (enlarge)
and then displays the results of two different formulations of Titius rule, including the x=1.751 one. Mary Blagg proposed a similar solution sometimes in 19. or early 20. century. You can see in the figure when Johann Daniel Titius and Mary Blagg lived.

Codes for lecture 10
This program fort simulates a throw of ball (or arbitrary test mass) in vacuum. Notice that the air drag will be studied in Lecture 11. Initial conditions: (x0,z0) = (0,0) & (vx0,vz0) = (70,20) m/s.
1-D ODE integration; solve dy/dx = f(x,y) = -sin(x)*y, with boundary cond. y(0)=1, & various integration schemes.
Same as above but over a 10 times longer period of time. Despite an initially high precision of some methods, a drift in solution becomes evident. This is bad news, as it is enough to just wait until the drift destroys the initial accuracy.
Different equation solved: dy/dx = f(x,y) = -y [sin(x)]^3

Codes for lecture 11
Motion of a physical pendulum (able to go to the top and over the top on a rigid massles arm, depending on initial conditions. The script implements a Leapfrog algorithm, but looks deceptively simple like Euler method. Not only does it not do the half-step with positions, full step velocities and again half-step with positions, but also does not
The script implements a 2nd order method to perform dynamical simulation of spherical ball thrown at an angle into vacuum and air (two different densities of a 5cm-radius ball are assumed: 1200 or 400 kg/m**3). Drag acceleration = -Cd v|v|/2 rho A/M, an vector proportional to the square of speed v, directed against the direction of v.
2nd order method applied to the classical simulation of a chaotic system of 3 coupled, nonlinear differential equations of order 1. Originally created to mimic the behavior of quantities encountered in meterological simulations (convective role), but since then everybody uses it to illustrate chaotic evolution in general. Fittingly, since this is related to the Butterfly effect (butterfly flapping wings in Brazil can cause at some future time a typhoon in Asia), the 3-D plot of the trajectories resembles a butterly. Notice that this system has 3 variables, really this a minimum number allowing chaos to emerge. [You must not use this code in the Lorentz attractor assignment is set #3. Please read the notice in the text of that problem.]
The script implements a 2nd order scheme to integrate frictionless equation of Newtonian dynamics of a common object: a small mass attached to a point in space by Hooke's spring (force linearly proportional to extension/compression beyond an equilibrium length equal of 1.) In addition, unit strenth gravity acceleration pulls the object down. The trajectory after many up-and-down oscilaltions becomes extremely sensitive to the initial conditions. You can see how this chaos arises by changing initial conditions in the eighth decimal digit - you will witness different first digits in the posion after 100 units of simulated time. The phenomenon arises because two initially nearby trajectories have tendency to diverse with time exponentially, thus varying consecutive decimal digits after a roughly constant time related to the so-called Lyapunov time (corresp. to the e-folding divergence). As a result, chaotic evolution is always (by definition) non-periodic.

Codes for lecture 12

Extension to this problem 1 of the assignment set #4 below. This is the diffraction-interference pattern from two slits on a screen 1 m away. Slits are 30 microns wide, spaces 240 microns apart.
Compare the pattern with the pattern of diffraction on one slit! And click on the middle illustration above. You'll see the red laser interference fringes in the actual experiment on the right hand side.
This code is deliberately a little buggy and slow. But that's how one would very naively approach the solution of the 2-D linear wave equation:
u_tt = c**2 (u_xx + u_yy)
using Python loops (hence slowness!)
shows a wave pattern from an initial disturbance of a pond near the corner. Algorithm uses only Z arrays (different copies for new, current, and previous time step of array Z.
shows a wave pattern from a localized initial disturbance far from the boundary. This algorithm is only slightly different, introduces explicitly V array which is first time derivative of array Z (times dt). Run at about the same speed(?) as
shows that one can force not only boundary conditions on the walls, but also in the middle, creating a region impermeable for waves.
This is the famous double slit experiment simulated on water surface or as soundwaves (no quantum mechanics here, though QM experiment is strictly analogous and creates diffraction-interference patterns for the same reason.
Again, Young's double slit experiment.

Codes Solving Assignment Set#4

The text of assignment.

This code solves the diffraction from a single 30 micron slit

2. Aeronautical problem. Fit the drag measurements of an airliner with two forces: parasitic drag ~ V**2, and lift-induced drag ~ 1/V**2. Derive certain best speeds from the fit.
Program   solves this problem and displays, first the observational data with underlying hidden smooth dependencies, and then numerical fit and optimum speeds derived from the fit. They correspond to the best glide ratio airspeed, minimum sink rate airspeed, and the Carson optimum speed w.r.t both time and fuel. See the headers and comments in the program, and L12 notes file.

Pawel Artymowicz /