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Several hundred galaxies (some formed less than 1 Gyr after the Big Bang) in the Hubble Deep Field project image. [Click on the fragment above to see the whole image (0.5 MB)]. Besides the classical spiral and elliptical shaped galaxies, there is a bewildering variety of other galaxy shapes and colors. (courtesy: NASA). See also the Summary Of Key Findings From The Hubble Deep Field. 


Title:       Galaxies and Galactic Dynamics (AI 1280)

Term: Fall 2002
Teacher: doc Pawel Artymowicz  (tel 5537 8549;
Teaching Assistant: Alexis Brandeker  (tel 5537 8552;

Times of lectures : 10:15 am - 12:00 am (hopefully with a break)
Place: Stockholm Observatory SCFAB (Albanova Ctr), 6th floor, seminar room C61
Dates of lectures:
September: 25 (Wed), 30(Mo),
October: 7 (Mo), 9 (Wed)*,   16 (Wed) , 21(Mo)*, 23(Wed),  28(Mo), 30 (Wed)*,
November: 4 (Mo; rm C6:1038)

3 problem sessions: 1:15pm - 3:00pm; their dates are denoted by * following
       the lecture day given above
Dates/times of 2 laboratory excercises: to be arranged with the TA (teaching asst.)

Additional optional event: Cosmonova film, e.g., `Den Oendliga Resan' (Contact udergrad. secretary).

Date of the final exam: 11 November (Mo), 10.00-12.30 and 13.30-15:30
Omtentamen (re-exam) at one date convenient for all the interested.

Basic course reference: Binney and Tremaine, "Galactic dynamics" (Princeton,1994)

Suggested additional reading includes at least two of the following:
o  Internet (we recommend  to look for keywords; also the links below);
o  Binney & Merrifield "Galactic Astronomy", Princeton Ser. in Astroph. (1998);
o  Carroll & Ostlie "An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics" Addison-Wesley (1996)
o  D. Elmegreen "Galaxies and Galactic Structure", Prentice Hall (1998);
o  Gilmore, King & van der Kruit "The Milky Way as a galaxy", Univ. Sci. Books (1989);

Course grading will be based on:
6 sets of homework problems, which will be handed out (20% of the total score),
the written exam (50% for problems, 30% for test = large set of Yes/No questions).
>75% of the max score required for VG, >50% for G grade.

Lab exercises are required to be successfully done and described to the satisfaction of theTA, before or shortly after the final exam.


with references to the main textbook: ch.=chapter;
ADD= handout with additional material.
Note: topic numbers do not necessarily coincide with `lecture number'.
  1. Gentle introduction to galaxies
  2. Literature: ch. 1 (pages 3-29) + ADD
  3. Galaxies
  4. Literature: ch. 1 (pages 3-29) + ADD
  5. Gravitation
  6. Literature: ch. 2 (pages 30-49, 74-80) ESPECIALLY pp. 32, 36-37, 41-43, 48, 74-80
  7. Orbits
  8. Literature: ch. 3 (pages 103-126) + ADD, ESPECIALLY pp. 103-108, 112-126, 149
  9. Collisionless stellar systems
  10. Literature: ch. 4.1-4.3 (pages 187-231), 4.7 (pages 266-278) ESPECIALLY pp. 190-192, 195-200, 213-214, 226-231, 269-278
  11. Disk dynamics
  12. Literature: ch. 6 (pages 336-413) + ADD, ESPECIALLY pp. 336-345, 355-359, 362-370, 375-405
  13. Encounters and collisions
  14. Literature: ch. 7 + ADD, ESPECIALLY pp. 424-430, 454-469
  15. Introduction to chemo-dynamics
  16. Literature: ch. 9.2 (pages 564-578) + ADD, ESPECIALLY pp. 564-577
  17. Dark matter
  18. Literature: ch. 10 (pages 589-638) ESPECIALLY pp. 589-605, 614-618, 629-635


Here you can see the text files with the final exam (1999)

About the homework problems

For a guide to the style of solutions of homework (also the exam)  involving math see here.
Please remember also to: staple together your homework or at least number the pages clearly and sign them with your name. Write legibly: all unusually messy homeworks will be returned to you. The usually-messy homeworks will be accepted but run the risk of being misunderstrood and/or underappreciated. Please give enough details of the solution procedure. It's as important as the correct final answer.
Importantly, please keep a copy of your solutions for your use (you can use the Observatory copy machine for that). Most solutions will be discussed during the 3 problem sessions. Finally, plan for a timely submission of solutions. Occasional delays will be tolerated, but very late submissions will earn very little credit.

Useful / interesting links:

  1. Globular clusters
  2. Open cluster M16
  3. The Shapley - Curtis Debate in 1920
  4. On-line Messier catalog of galaxies
  5. STScI Digital Sky Survey search form. Input ANY object's designation to get coordinates and .GIF picture
  6. Multiwavelength Milky Way
  7. The Interactive NGC Catalog Online
  8. Catalog of galaxies (Frei & Gunn; 113 galaxies with pictures)
  9. Galaxy merger simulations, antennae galaxy pair
  10. Evolution and mergers of galaxies
  11. New STScI press releases

This way to the home page of Pawel Artymowicz.