The orbits of the smallest solid bodies forming in protoplanetary disk: meteoroids and small planetesimals up to several*100 km size are circularized by the aerodynamic gas drag (e.g., Weidenschilling 1977).
For more massive objects (planetary embrios) the dynamical friction (partial energy equipartition betweeen small and big bodies) may be very important as well (Stewart and Wetherill, 1988).
The eccentricity-mass relation can be understood in terms of disk-planet gravitational interaction:
To illustrate the complex interaction between a protojupiter and the nebula
we show here unpublished PPM calculations by Artymowicz (1999). While oval
is the Roche lobe (circumplanetary region), all distances are in
units of star-planet distance. PPM=Piecewise parabolic method is
probably the most sophisticaded hydrodynamical code in wide use
in astrophysics today. On the same size of a grid, it offers
sharper representation of flow details than any other code (at the cost
of more computations). Disk-planet interactions computed with this
code confirm in the broad outline
the picture of eccentricity growth discussed here.
Thus, the predicted regions of the mass-eccentricity plane which should be occupied according to the resonant interaction theory looks like this (keep in mind that the boundaries may not be sharp in reality!):
This prediction (since the theories pre-date the recent dicoveries!) should be compared with the current mass-eccentricity data:
The little dashes sticking to the right of the data points (which give
the minimum masses in systems of unknown inclination) have length
corresponding to the correction factor pi/2.
Only about 1/4 of randomly oriented systems will have true masses larger than
the ones indicated by the dashes. However, we now know (M. Mayor, talk at the
Lisbon conference on extrasolar planets, 1998) that the orbits
are not necessarily randomly distributed, and in fact
several of the brown dwarf candidates are seen nearly pole-on. Therefore,
the lines might be somewhat longer in reality.
The agreement of the theoretical predictions and the current restricted statistics of low-mass companions is impressive, except for a planet in 16 Cyg B system (empty quasi-square at e~0.7). This planet, however, is likely made eccentric by 16 Cyg A, its distant stellar companion, and hence could have been born on nearly-circular orbit like the rest of bodies in its mass range (Mazeh et al 1997, Holman et al 1997).
Type of companions | Mass ratio [*0.001] | # of comp. | mean eccentricity |
Low-mass giant planets | 0-3.2 | 12 | 0.17 +- 0.04 |
Superplanets | 3.2-10 | 9 | 0.31 +- 0.08 |
Brown Dwarfs | 10-100 | 13 | 0.40 +- 0.05 |
Companion stars | > 100 | 13 | 0.37 +- 0.02 |
We see that
< e > for giant planets is ~ 1 sigma away from
On the other
hand, the correlation
isn't very tight, because in each mass bin we have a very large
spread of individual eccentricities (larger than the
uncertainty in mean ecc. in table). This can be easily understood
as a result of varying conditions in different
protoplanetary nebulae, most importantly varying viscosity.
These differences can move
the crossover mass ratio (mass above which eccentric instability of orbits
occurs) between roughly 1 and 10 Jupiter mass ratio.
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