PHYD57 Advanced Comp Methods in Physics -
A4 Projects in 2024
Our course gives you an opportunity to delve into a subject of your choice
(to some extent!).
You will study the subject, create algorithms and plan the visualization of
results, implement them to accomplish some numerical task such as a scientific
simulation, debug the code and run it either on your on our linux server art-1,
under your subdirectory (there will also be 4 subdir's dedicated to 4 approved
projects, for file sharing & co-developing programs).
Form a group
The assignment involves creating a writeup and giving a presentation (cf.
below). There will be 4 groups. Forming groups (max. 4 persons ea.) is up to
you; discuss it during breaks between the lectures.
Choose group/topic by the time of midterm. .
If you don't, a topic will be assigned to you after misterm.
Send email to me (P.A) as soon as you know two ranked, preferred A4
topics. For instance, if 5 students choose some topic and only 1 some other
topic groups will have to be rearranged. It is advantageous to talk to fellow
students a.s.a.p.
See list of emails hopefully protected from
search engine bots & general public [I knew you'd click :-), but the page you
see doesn't have sufficent protections; I linked the emails at the top of
our../XX auxiliary resources page]. Send me the proposed list of names (can be
less than 4) with the topic number. I will try to reserve the project for you
on a first-come-first-served basis. Some ideas are listed below. The final,
reduced list should be available by mid-October.
Marked components of the project
Show your initiative, curiosity and ambition, do interesting computations
and tell us about them, even if they deviate from the suggested descriptions
below. All group members get the same mark for A4, don't tolerate freeloaders.
1. Every group member works on and presents part of a common PDF or Powerpoint
presentation. All group member should present part of the talk - everybody gets
to practice that. Each group has about 25 min to present the work, followed by
usually just a brief 5 min discussion (questions from audience) -- unless the
topic raises unusual amount of interest or controversy.
It's easy to go over the allotted time; try not to, by practicing and timing
the talk in advance. Points will be subtracted if a group badly misjudges in
either direction the time taken by the presentation.
2. Prepare 8 to 12 page PDF writeup (incl. figures), due 1 day before your
presentation, so that we can read it and think of interesting questions
that we ask you (everybody - try to prepare a question for the other
projects!). Writeup may be partially overlapping with but is NOT the
same as pt. 1 above. Writeup is like an essay, popular article or long blog
entry. It includes: names and student numbers below the title, then some
background on the problem, methods others and you have used, your code's
details, tests showing that it actually works against all odds & returns
meaningful results (provide simple test cases), followed by your results
(estimate accuracy!). Writeup ends with a section giving analysis and then
draws conclusions about the studied system. Unlike the slideshow, writeup
needs to include the full list of references to cited work, including
internet pages, if any. Slideshow - not necessarily all, only the most
important ones.
Topics (# to be reduced to 4 or 5 by midterm):
- Searching for exoplanet signals in the archival data from HARPS
spectrometer 3 students already in that project, contact
Daniel Harrington to possibly join them
- Machine Learning from very noisy data: econophysics, algo trading etc.
Brayden W., Chris A. and Mojtaba K., contact Brayden to ask
they want 1 more team member
- What happens to an airliner after it loses a part of the wing:
panel simulation of ideal aerodynamics of airfoil Ming,
Yujun, and Abdilahi; contact Ming about possbly joining
- Planetary system dynamics. Liapunov stability of asteroid and dwarf
planet orbits.
- SPH: Particle simulation of fluid dynamics on CPU or Intel Xeon Phi.
Of what? A planet exciting density waves, a turbulent jet, gas streams feeding
an orbiting young binary star, or an airplane wing.
- N-body supermassive black hole migrating in a galaxy, using FFT gravity
solver on GPU
- Structural dynamics: build and dynamically load a virtual the Golden Gate
or some other bridge
- What happens to an airliner after a catastrophic wingtip loss: panel
simulation of ideal aerodynamics
- Speech enhancement: can we make noisy recordings more understandable?
- Simulation of phase transitions in spin lattice (computational
- Mie theory of scattering with application to glories and specters.
- Your group's proposal (to be approved by the lecturer)
Detailed description of most projects
1. Parallel simulation of planets named after a telescope,
named after a beer named after monks
See L11 for background on chaos in dynamical systems, and the concept
of Liapunov exponent (or inverse of it, called Liapunov time).
See previous lectures on 4th order symplectic integrator that you are
required to use. See all CUDA materials on how to write the CUDA kernels
that concurrently integrate $K \gg 1$ slightly different systems
(differing in initial positions and/or velocities of planets).
The calculation should not be serial, i.e. multiple versions of a planetary
system described below should be simulated concurrently on CPU or GPU.
[The choice is yours, and may warrant a little experimentation first. Namely,
it's not clear if a better overall throughput measured in number of simulated
system-years per second of wall clock time, is achieved on CPU or GPU,
because both calculations need to be done in double floating point
precision & consumer GPUs on art-cluster are not as fast in double as in
single precision]
Data for the fiducial (basic) setup are largely specified in the entry of the
catalog (enter Trappist-1 into search box).
Trappists are Belgian monks making a famous dark beer (consult LCBO, if
interested). They did not observe exoplanets. Graduate students doing
observations apparently learned a lot about the Trappist's products during
their studies. The system has 7 planets, all of them Earth-class and a few in
the habitable zone! Find out more about it on the net.
Perturbations to the initial conditions away from the given set of parameters
will be small and pseudo-random (if they were *really* random, you would
not be able to repeat the same numerical integration, which you need to do
to debug and verify your code).
If you haven't got the knowledge of Kepler problem (2 Body problem) from
ASTC25 course to set up initial conditions of the simulation, read
about Kepler equation and its iterative solution on the web and ask me
questions diring tutorials.
Assume that at the start of the calculation, the phase of the motion
(fraction of full orbital period the body did from the last pericenter),
orientation of the orbit, and hence also the true anomaly $\theta$
(azimuthal angle in polar coordinates; it is
figuring in the following, parametric, equation of ellipse:
$r(\theta) = a(1-e^2)/(1+e \cos \theta)$) are all random numbers with
uniform distributions (e.g., $0 \lt \theta \lt 2 \pi$ rad).
Both statements cannot be simultaneously strictly true, since the motion on
ellipse is not uniform in time. But since the Trappist planets are on fairly
circular orbits, the assumption is justified in practice.
Analytically, i.e. with pen and paper, from the equation of ellipse cited
above derive the instantaneous radial and transverse components of velocity
vector at any theta, and recalculate to Cartesian coordinates if you use
that system for calculations. A hint is that angular momentum per unit mass
is a constant in the elliptic motion: $L = r^2 \,d\theta/dt = r v_\theta =
const. = \sqrt{GMa(1-e^2)}$. Therefore $v_\theta$ follows very easily from
the initial r and the parameters of the ellipse, and $v_r$, which contains
derivative $d\theta/dt$, is also easy to compute.
There are actually two ways to quantify the stability, one by watching for
close encounters and/or escapes and finding the time at which the change
occurs, the other by integrating the shadow systems with miniscule initial
deviation of the positions and velocities, to find the Liapunov exponent.
I would like you to use the first one and the 2nd as additional indicator
if at all. We want to label a system "unstable" if at any point in time
(you can check every time step or every now and then, not as often as every
time step) planets approach to within 2 Roche lobe radii (see L12)
of any of the approaching planets, or if a planet is located further than
2 times the initial distance between the star and outermost planet, or
closer to the star than the initial radius of the innermost planet.
Ideally, the calculation would then stop and a new variant of the system
started. But it's up to you how to optimize & parallelize. Describe everything
in the writeup. Also, in any dynamical calculation describe how you
chose the optimum constant time step dt, and how you tested the accuracy
of your simulation.
2. N-body galaxy with a migrating Black Hole
This is essentially an N-body simulation with N on the order of
100 million, in which N stars in a target/host galaxy and in a smaller
dwarf galaxy (that has just collided with the host galaxy) are feeling
the attraction of all the other stars. Direct computation of all the
interactions is too slow. All gravity forces needs to be evaluated on a 3d grid
by FFT method already outlined in L10 (more details in L12). Zero-padding
will be used to avoid aliasing; the size of full density array will be
512x512x512 or at least 512x512x256 (flat host galaxy and nearly coplanar
initial orbit of the dwarf one allow a smaller resolution in "z" direction).
Each of the two galaxies hosts a relatively massive particle in the center,
representing an SMBH (supermassive black hole).
The objective is to write and test the FFT gravity solver first, then
test the dynamic integrator (2nd order symplectic, leapfrog), show that both
work accurately enough (time step for dynamics integrator must be optimized).
Testing involves checking the conservation of those physical quantities that
should be constant. Finally, you'll run the code for an extended period of
the simulated time, and see what happens with the host galaxy, dwarf galaxy,
and their SMBHs. There is no limit how much fun you can have doing the
visualization. The minimum is to produce a series of snapshots in 2-D
projection(s); plan maximum would be to do animations/videos.
3. SPH project
See lectures 10 and 11 on SPH, both nearest neighbor finding using
linked lists, and the SPH algorithm to do gas dynamics.
The best description for the purpose of implementation that I've found is
this article in Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics:
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (1992).
In addition, here you have two other descriptions
with more details, derivations and comments on implementation:
Monaghan (2005).
Monaghan (1997).
Description from Lagrangian point of view
(optional material! I frankly can't remember which book it is from)
Chapter 3 (2010).
You study aresponse of to a gravitational perturbation of a disk of gas.
In principle, you can either study any disk such as a disk of gas in a spiral
galaxy, perturbed by an imposed, known, low-amplitude spiral disturbance of
gravity from a stellar disk (which you do not need to model, though in real
research you would have to - in a way explained in the previous project!).
I suggest that you study a protoplanetary gas disk disturbed by the gravity
of an embedded protoplanet. You should program the planet to travel on a
circle at a speed described by Kepler's laws, but introduce it into calculation
gradually, leaving time for the disk to relax both (i) the initial 'ringing'
due to imperfectly calculated initial conditions of force balance, as well as
(ii) the unavoidable oscillations purely due to rapid
insertion of a perturber into the disk. Therefore, ramp the mass of a planet
linearly up to the full mass (study 2 mass ratios = m/M = 0.001, 0.01) in time
t=0...10 orbital periods. The planet should be in the middle of the disk at radius
1 (if you prefer to use correct physical units instead of rescaled non-dimensional
coordinates, then 1 would mean 1 AU = 150e6 km). The disk should extend from
0.45 to 2 (AU). On demand I'll describe the disk setup in more detail. (The disk
should be 3-D, and have z/r = 0.05 throughout, where z = vertical scale height.)
Mass of the disk should not play a role. Disk should be vertically isothermal,
its soundspeed should only vary with the cylindrical radial coordinate r. What
maximum density contrast in the disk do you obtain after 10, 20, and 50 orbital
periods of the planet?
4. Pilot's glory. Mie theory calculations.
Pilot's glory (a.k.a. Brocken Spectre; cf. wiki article on glories)
is a colorful halo surrounding the shadow of an object (observer)
cast on the cloud or fog consisting of suspended water particles. It results from
a near-180 degrees backward scattering of sunlight
off a collection of spherical water droplets in the air.
(That's why it is seen surrounding a shadow).
Picture 1
picture 2
It can be predicted. And vice versa: from observation, in principle, we should be
able to find out the distribution of droplet sizes corresponding to each picture.
You can find more pictures
as well as here , and choose one to explain.
In the phyd57/mie subdirectory you will find some working fortran subroutines
such as mie.f90, predicting the spatial distribution of light scattered off a
spherical water drop, for a given optical refraction index (or alternatively
dielectric constants) of water, and ratio of the particle size to the
wavelength of light. [There are in fact 2 separate inputs, radius of a particle
and the wavelength of light, since the refractive index of water at a given
wavelength can be computed by a separate little function or procedure.]
Using that subroutine or translating it into a C(++) procedure,
you will assemble a theoretical color image of pilot's glory using 200
separate wavelengths of visible light, and 100 different sizes of water
droplets. (You can use Planck function with temperature 3700 K to model the
spectrum of a slightly reddened sunlight.)
The distribution of water drop sizes will be Gaussian,
characterized by a mean size and half-width of distribution (total width will
be +-3 half-widths). Fiducial mean size is lambda = 10 micrometers,
and half-width of the distribution function is delta = 3 micrometers.
Ideally, you will be able to adjust the two parameters of the size distribution
until you find a reasonably good match to the chosen picture. At present,
nobody knows what size distribution the cloud shown in the picture had.
You may be the first person to know it.
If you are interested in Mie theory, although this is not strictly required
to master for this project, here you have a
book about it. There is a fortran code in the appendix, though my old
code is a bit better :-)
5. Machine Learning from very noisy data
Design and code your group's machine learning program. Make it solve some
tough problem in econophysics and/or algorithmic trading. Using historic
data, teach the machine to buy and sell stuff in a time-variable market,
at least to the extent given by the short time-frame of this projects.
Extra points will be awarded for making your robot crack the
secret of the stock market, and paying off your and your fellow students'
loans. With skills in Python and a little patience, high-resolution Wall
Street historic stock data (1 minute resolution) can be downloaded
in chunks for free. As you learn about machine learning, you will likely
realize why lots of data are needed to teach robots non-trivial things.
6. Structural dynamics: build and dynamically load a virtual Golden
Gate bridge or Citicorp Center skyscraper
There are many stories and books about Golden Gate. And about structural
engineering. Make a digital twin of a bridge that responds to dynamically
moving loads on the roadway, study the deformation and vibration modes.
Did you know that during one anniversary the traffic was closed and so
many people gathered on the bridge that it visibly deformed, and the police
had to dissolve the celebration in a hurry? How many people are too many?
Did you know that a Citicorp Center skyscraper in NYC was realized
independently by two students (doing something like your project) to have a
possible, fatal flaw? It could be catastrophically unsafe in a wind exceeding
just 110 km/h. An approaching Atlantic tropical storm carried such winds,
but passed Manhattan safely. In great secrecy, Citibank tower was reinforced
while in use. Tell us the story, but mainly build a model of a skyscraper
and load it with aerodynamic stresses due to wind gusts. Analyze results, test
how realistic your model parameters are. How high a wind collapses your
7. What happens to an airliner after it loses a part of the wing:
panel simulation of ideal aerodynamics of airfoil
Study what happend on 10.04.10 in Smolensk, Russia, to a Polish presidential
airplane, by physical calculation. Learn a panel method of interaction of
an air flow with an airfoil, which is different from SPH and grid methods
of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). It uses Kelvin's circularion theorem,
Amper's law, Linear algebra, and represents the 3-D flow in infinite space by
solving integro-differential equations. Start by reading great 100-year old
books that are still used today in preliminary design of aircraft! Using the
calculated aerodynamical forces, predict the trajectory and orientation of the
airliner after collision with a large tree and compare with accident reports.
Confirm or debunk conspiracy theories surrounding this catastrophe.
See sources on our auxiliary /xx page.
You should get acquainted with the great 100-year old research by a
Bavarian physicist Ludwig Prandtl, who created whole school od aerodynamics,
both theoretical and experimental. His students included Theodore von Karman,
who became the father of American
theoretical aerodynamics & helped U.S. develop first supersonic jets, and
Richard von Mises, who achieved many outstanding results in elasticity theory
of solids, boundary layer theory and also airfoil theory. Especially von Mises
needs to be mentioned in the context of bad political ideas Prandtl upheld
during the Nazi regime in Germany in 1933-1945, which Prandl generally liked
and praised (Mises was a Jew from Lemberg = Lwów = L'vov, now Lviv).
Page through Prandtl's books
Prandtl - Funadamentals of Hydro- and Aeromechanics
Prandtl - Application of modern hydrodynamics to aeronautics
The more modern re-telling of classical works by Prandtl is the subject of
Oertel et al. - Prandtl's "Essential Fluid Mechanics" (2004)
The part you are particularly interested in is
Lanchester-Prandtl lifting line theory of airfoils.
Your task is to first create a lifting-line theory of a full (test case) and
a damaged wing of TU-154 airliner (for which you'll only need the top view
of the aircraft and the distance from its axis where a birch tree tore off
about 1/3 of the left wingspan, and some infor about the AOA = angle of attack).
The theory is formulated as in integral equation,
discretized it becomes an NxN linear equations problem, which can be solved
with Python. It yields the dirtribution of stationary lift force along the
wing of any shape and asymmetry, so you can derive a torque on a damaged
aircraft, needed to predict the precise history of the roll to the left that
develops, wheter or not the aircraft was controllable by pilots at this stage
and such.
Next, if you have enough time, you will generalize the method to full
panel method in which vortex lines are layed out not in the form of lines
like in Prandtl's scheme, but around N polygonal panels covering the upper and
lower surface of the wing. I haven't gone so far in my calculations, we'll see
if the panel theory gives similar results.
(Most of the above links are dead. There are live links on our /xx page and
on the hidden pages described there)
8. Other topics
You consult with your friends and propose a topic. It will be pre-approved by
the lecturer to assure appropriate complexity level and relevance to physical
science. Say, a group may solve a wooden puzzle with 25 wooden pieces by
exhaustive search of the tree of possibilities, and be rejected based on too
little overlap with the subject of course. Or try writing a neural net program
that controls some physical process or experiment (of course, that would be a
simulation not a real-world experiment). Neural nets are a growing area of
interest in physical sciences, so the project might be approved.
Quantum computing is an interesting topic, but how will you do computations
using or related to it & what is the connection to numerical analysis of the
real world?
One such self-defined project has been approved: Searching for exoplanets in
HARPS spectrograph/telescope archive data. Contact Daniel Harrington.