Midterm preparation, for exclusive use by
PSCB57 students at UTSC
Midterm exam preparation
Midterm will cover everything that we were doing in Lectures and Tutorials,
and the basic Python usage to the extent explained in the Izaac et al. textbook.
There will be no completely new things. The history section of lectures
is part of the exam to the approximate extent that it was part of lectures.
Use our web page
and coding page
to prepare.
Template of the exam
This is exactly how your exam will look like - except the contents
of the problems will be different :-)
Please familiarize yourself with the fine print in this document - you won't
lose time reading it during exam!
Quiz and Problems
There will be two parts to both midterm and final exams. One is Quiz, a set
of Y/N or multiple choice questions (that will be decided later).
contains sample questions, to illustrate the style.
The Problems part will be done in your head and on the blank side of the pages in
the exam booklet - use the lined pages as a place to write final versions of
whatever solution you submit. That's not a strict rule. If you wish you can
write the solution on the lined pages right away, we would just like to be sure
that we are not omitting any important things, that's why we ask you to use
(and mark at the top as such) the left pages of your booklet as "Scratchpad"
were you develop your ideas. BTW, final exam will be exactly same style and level
of difficulty as midterm, but longer.
At midterm there may be one longer or two shorter coding problems requiring
writing maybe 10 or so essential lines of Python code each, plus explanations.
contains sample problems.
Own notes
Use the opportunity to create your own 4 pages (2 sheets) of handwritten notes.
You can write anything you want on these pages.
The point of the 'handwritten only' restriction is that after this,
you will likely remember the things you wrote (with the possible exception of
historical dates and details) and most of the time won't need to even look into
the notes to answer quiz questions.
Use of aids
After some hesitation, we decided to neither require nor allow
computers during exams. Calculator is allowed/encouraged,
but no communication devices of any kind are allowed. Use of time travel devices during the exam is against UofT regulations, and makes no sense (why?).
Time and date
The midterm will be held in class (rm MW160) at 9am-10am on Monday 21 Oct. 2019
(after the reading week).
(c) Pawel Artymowicz 2019/