Astrophysics of Planetary  Systems
Stockholm Observatory

A few links to sites on extrasolar planets

Explore the EU Research and Training Network , in which we participate.

Theoretical  research on astrophysics of solar and extrasolar planetary systems
by the following group of 7 members, and 3 former associates

to email, add to username in parenthesis   CURRENT  MEMBERS:  
Pawel Artymowicz
Assoc. Prof.

Group leader
Find out  more about him & his research here 
Philippe Thebault
Assoc. Prof.
Philippe came in January 2005 from Paris, France, where he holds a permanent research position. He will work at our institute for a few years as guest researcher. He specializes mainly in the Beta Pictoris-type disks, dust, and planet building. We are glad to welcome Philippe in Stockholm. More about him & his research soon 
Eduardo Delgado Donate
Postdoctoral research associate Vetenskapsradet (Swedish Science Council) postdoc.
Topics : Exozodi disks (debris disks, beta Pictoris), 2-D &Theory of dust migration in disks 3-D hydrodynamical models of disks,  vortices and instabilities; Planet-disk interaction, etc.
Richard Edgar
Postdoctoral research associate European Union RTN Network "Planet formation" postdoc. 
Topics : 3-D hydrodynamical models of disks, Survival of terrestrial planets in disks traversed by giant planets , 
Planet formation in self-gravitating disks, 
Planet-disk interaction with radiation transport (incl. multi-D hydro.)
Anna Grigorieva
( doktorand)
Graduate project on dust: processing, 
avalanches, and migration, in replenished Vega-type disks and Beta Pictoris.
 Adam Peplinski
( doktorand)
Hydrodynamics of disk+planet interaction using parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement techniques based on FLASH code. 
Miguel de Val Borro
( doktorand)
Hydrodynamical stability of disks with realistic structure (gaps, edges) induced by planets. The influence of instabilities on planet formation. The EU Network code comparison project.  
Ghanjah Skanby-Mansour
Stockholm Univ.
Diploma thesis project (X-jobb)
Dynamical modeling of the vertical structure of Beta Pic disk. 
Martin Thörnqvist
Uppsala Univ. 
Written diploma thesis on Disk-Planet Interaction During the Formation of Planetary Systems (see Reprints below)
  Anders Jeneskog
currently working outside Stockholm U.
Written a parallel simulation code for Beta Pictoris disk perturbed by a stellar fly-by. Results show that beta Pic could NOT have gotten ring structure from a flyby, contrary to a theory by  Kalas and Larwood (2000). See his BSc thesis below.
Taku Takeuchi
(Researcher at Kobe Univ., Japan)
former Research Assoc. at Stockholm Obs.,  Contributed to the description of disk-planet interaction, gap opening, three-dimensional aspects of the gas flow near the planet; interested in a variety of subjects including radial migration of protoplanets. Worked with Pawel on dust migration in transitional (gas-containing) disk (see the ApJ paper below)


Reprints and presentations:
Edgar & Artymowicz  
  Pumping of a planetesimal disc by a rapidly migrating planet (link to ADS database) (or .PDF, 0.1 MB)
Edgar R. & Artymowicz P., 2004, MNRAS, 354, 769-772
P. Artymowicz  
  "Migration Type III" (Multimedia: slides, animations, video/audio)
Presentation at the Santa Barbara Program on Planet Formation, KITP, UCSB, 2004
Martin Thörnqvist  
  Disk-Planet Interaction During the Formation of Planetary Systems (5 MB PDF file)
Master thesis, Dept. Astr. UU, 2004
Artymowicz, "Dynamics of protostellar disks with planets"  in  PDF (0.2 MB, requires Adobe Acrobat reader) Alternative format: compressed Postscript (.ps.gz, 0.9 MB) , 13-page review. DEBRIS DISKS AND THE FORMATION OF PLANETS: A symposium in memory of Fred Gillett, Tucson, AZ, April 2002, 
published in: ASP Vol. CS-324, 2004.
Artymowicz, P.
Growth and interaction of planets (0.2 MB   PDF file)
Planetary Systems in the Universe:  Observation, Formation and Evolution,  IAU Symp. 202
Eds.: A. Penny, P.Artymowicz, A.-M.Lagrange, and S. Russell, (2004) ASP Vol.
Ghanjah Skanby-Mansour  
  Dynamical simulation of beta Pictoris dust: Implications for the amount of gas in the disk. (1 MB PDF file)
Master thesis, Dept. Astr. SU, 2003
Anders Jeneskog
"External perturbations and the structure of the beta Pictoris disk"    (1.8MB   .ps.gz file)
BSc thesis = examensarbete 
(Stockholm U., Apr. 2001) 
Takeuchi and Artymowicz 
 Dust Migration and Morphology in Optically Thin Circumstellar Gas Disks (link to ADS database) (or .PDF, 0.5 MB)
ApJ,  2001, 557, 990-1006
Artymowicz, P.
Beta Pictoris and Other Solar Systems (0.26 MB PDF file)
18-page review in  Space Science Review, Vol. 92, 2000, pp. 69-86.

Artymowicz, "The frightening mobility and the prospect of survival of giant extrasolar protoplanets in disks" paper at conf. "Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets" in Washington D.C. 2002
Lubow, S., Seibert, M., Artymowicz, P., "Disk Accretion onto High-Mass Planets"  in  PDF (1.1 MB PDF file)
ApJ, 1999, 526, pp. 1001-1012.

The group collaborates with specialists from Europe and the U.S., as well as locally with the IR/star formation group focusing on observations. We we form one of the 8 nodes of the European Union "Planet formation" network, comprising a few dozens of researchers throughout Europe.

Here is a fragment of the 2000 evaluation of Swedish Astronomy and Astrophysics by an
international committee, containing the evaluation of our research funded by NFR (now VR) foundation

If you are interested in this kind of research, please contact us (Artymowicz, Thebault) regarding a possible visit.

Sample Research Projects:

Antares (info & slide show): Our group's cute mini-supercomputer (20 cpu's) is online since mid-2002. Currently busy simulating the mobility of planets in disks, and dust disks.  
Hydra (info & slide show): Our venerable first supercomputer (8 cpu's)  is online since early 1999. It has studied the formation/evolution of planets and modeled Beta Pic-type disk in parallel mode. Now largely of historical interest as a parallel computer, but still serving well as workstations! 

Supercomputing on Seth:  Swedish Natl. Allocation Committee awarded our group time (10000 cpu hr/month throughout  2003 and 2004)  on Seth, a Beowulf supercluster located in the HPC2N center in Umea. Until  Nov. 2002  Seth was the largerst supercomputer in Sweden. We were given 1/14 of its total allocation, which corresponds to a continuous use of  its 14 processors. Seth has a  faster interconnect and should scale better in large parallel jobs. Accidentally, both machines consist of nodes with AMD Athlon MP1800+ (2000+ in Seth) processors, placed on the same dual cpu motherborads (Tyan Tiger MPX), only Seth is 12 times bigger.
The total computational power at our group's disposal in 2004 corresponded to 1/6 of Seth.

Please direct comments, inquiries to:
Updated  Nov  2004